Tidal Dancers

Soluble graphite and coloured pencil artwork inspired by Cornish seaside paddles

5 Designs

Sway to the Rhythm, Rise and Fall, Ocean Motion, Ebb and Flow Sea Green Marine

 Available as

Art Cards

5 ‘Tidal Dancers’ designs available as individual Art Cards with envelopes

'Tidal Dancers' Art Cards
from £2.25
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Art Cards Wallet Gift Set

Complete set of 5 Art Cards presented in a lovely folding wallet to keep them safe and on display.

The ‘Tidal Dancers’ Range

5 original seaweed designs - great for anyone who loves the sea especially around the Cornish coast.


Inspiration and technique


Now I had rediscovered my love for working in black and white again - soluble graphite now rather than pen and ink in my other life - the exuberance and energy that had been generated needed space to grow beyond the pages of my small, square sketchbook.

Undeterred now by the thought of a huge A2 blank sheet, I picked up a stick of wet graphite and let my whole arm move freely in wide sweeps across the paper producing fascinating effects, in some places wet smears and others different dry textures. I worked really quickly, through multiple sheets of paper, enjoying the process just for its own sake and by the end of the day I had amassed a collection of random interesting patterns.

Then I made the connection with seaweed and was instantly taken back to memories of paddling in the shallows with the seaweed wrapping around my feet…


Once the connection had been made, I added various pencil lines loosely following the shapes and margins, reinforcing the fluid impression of seaweed. The image shows one of my A2 hand coloured originals.

To create the ‘Tidal Dancers’ range I used digital colouring methods with my images to reproduce the beautiful green translucency I associate with seaweed from childhood paddling.

“Strictly” Seaweed!

And “Strictly” ?? Well, I do like to title my work and often spend a ridiculously long time trying to think up memorable names for each design. With this series, I saw rhythm and movement like the tides which, in turn reminded me of dancing, from graceful ballet to elegant ballroom - '“Ebb and Flow”, “Sway to the Rhythm” and “Rise and Fall” for instance.

Hope you enjoy this range and that it brings back some happy Cornish seaside memories for you too - maybe even a lively Cha Cha Cha or a graceful Waltz perhaps?


“Well, I am a giant pansy and freak out if seaweed touches my leg in the ocean.”

— Sara Paxton

 For more details about the ‘Tidal Dancers’ range please visit our shop.