The Art of Travel

Photographic impressions of the landscape through a modern train window

6 Designs

Bend in the River, Two Sheep, Treeline, Hedgerows, Fir Cottage Rising Green.

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Art Cards

6 ‘Art of Travel’ designs available as Art Cards with envelopes

'Art of Travel' Art Cards
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The ‘Art of Travel’ Range

Highly evocative photographic impressions of the landscape


 Inspiration and Technique

The majority of train passengers I travel with find their mobile phones far more engaging than the landscape passing by.

Totally understandable for daily commuters I suppose, but for a less frequent passenger like myself the lure of a photograph, motion and a camera phone proved irresistible…


Hazy Recollections

Journeying home from a recent family reunion I found myself gazing out of the rain streaked train window at the worsening weather. An unseasonal mist was gradually enveloping the countryside allowing only brief, restricted glimpses of the passing landscape; blurred and indistinct impressions, very reminiscent of the hazy recollections stirred earlier in the day.

The images I photographed on my iPhone on that memorable journey home evoke for me a real sense of the swift passage of time. They connect me to my past, as I looked back down the line into the mists of time, my present, capturing each unique fleeting moment and racing ahead to my future, unpredictable, mysterious and unclear.


Exponents of the pin sharp image take another look now.

This approach to photography isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but I love the evocative impressions created using the train’s motion to blur the already indistinct view of the passing landscape. The unusual conditions on that memorable summertime journey caught my imagination and prompted me to pick up my camera to record what I saw and how I felt - I’m so pleased I did and the 6 images I selected for the ‘Art of Travel’ Range celebrate the whole occasion for me.

Maybe next time you board the train, turn your camera phone around and experiment with different ways of capturing the landscape as you pass through …

 “I never travel without my diary.

One should always have something sensational to read in the train.”

  • Oscar Wilde

 For more details about the ‘Art of Travel’ Range please visit our shop