Contemporary Cyanotypes

6 Designs

Detail 1, Detail 2, Detail 3, Detail 4, Detail 5. Detail 6.

 Available as

Art Cards

6 designs available as individual Art Cards with envelopes

'Contemporary Cyanotypes' Art Cards
from £2.50
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Art Cards Wallet Gift Set

This striking folding wallet contains all 6 Art Cards. It’s ideal to keep your cards safe and is decorative enough to display on anyone’s desk.

The ‘Contemporary Cyanotype’ Range

6 intriguing abstract details from ‘Fantasy Fern’ - my wet cyanotype photogram - available as individual Art Cards in their own right or which can be arranged all together to form the complete image. Super gift for photographic imaging fans.


 Inspiration and technique

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”

- Kurt Koffka


“And sometimes looking more closely reveals treasures you didn’t see before...”

Kurt Koffka was one of the founders of the Gestalt Theory of human perception with ideas about the ways in which we group similar visual elements, recognise patterns and simplify complex images.

It suggests that our brains interprets what the eye sees as an ‘Unified Whole’ making our cognitive processing simpler and faster even if sometimes we makes mistakes or overlook details.

Four of its main ideas are the principles of Proximity, Similarity, Continuity and Closure all of which are illustrated in these images.


So did Lynn sit down and think to herself “Bit bored today so I’ll do some Gestalt Theory…” - No, probably not.

Much more likely that she looked at this extraordinarily beautiful image and saw many other exquisite images with-in the one and devised a way in which each could be valued for itself and as part of a whole.

A way in which you make your own interpretation of ‘Fantasy Fern’.

When you buy this set of six fabulous images you won’t be getting the negative space and the shadows between them - they’re Lynn’s.

You will need to make your own negative space and shadows, in your place and in your way then you really will own these images.

For more details about the ‘Contemporary Cyanotype’ range please visit our shop.