Digital imagery inspired by the Arthurian Romances

Ladies of the Lake

5 Designs

Viviane, Lady of the Lake, Nyneve, Nimue, Niniane

 Available as

Art Cards

5 ‘Ladies of the Lake’ designs available as individual Art Cards with envelopes

'Ladies of the Lake' Art Cards
from £2.25
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Art Cards Wallet Gift Set

Complete set of 5 Art Cards presented in a beautiful folding wallet to keep them safe.

The ‘Ladies of the Lake’ Range

Mythical and intriguing Arthurian folklore


 Inspiration and technique

T. H. White’s enthralling retelling of the Arthurian legends ignited my enthusiasm for the epic adventures of King Arthur, Merlin and all the Knights of the Round Table.

Visiting Dozmary Pool, the place where Excalibur, Arthur’s mystical sword is returned to the Lady of the Lake, fired my imagination…


Arthurian Obsession

My bookshelves are over-flowing with Arthurian books - I’ve been a bit obsessed with these stories for many years. Visiting places connected with these tales continues to feed my imagination and being a photographer I love to develop some of these ideas into distinctive and unusual Arthurian inspired digital images.

The legendary story tells how King Arthur’s sword, Excalibur, was presented to him by the Lady of the Lake - a mysterious enchantress known by various different names, and with a darker side to her nature, as Merlin discovered to his cost! She became the intriguing subject for my ‘Ladies of the Lake’ range.

 Digitally Layered Images -

2 component images combined digitally



The ‘ladies’ featured in my images (one half of the final digital image) were garden statues photographed draped with various textiles to create a dreamy, otherworldly effect.



The other component image involved the idea of the lake/water - a subject which always fascinates photographers.

I used reflections, movement, translucency and most importantly light to create intriguing watery images which when digitally combined with the ‘Ladies’ produced my ‘Ladies of the Lake’ range.

 Magical, mystical and mythical.

“As they rode, Arthur said, I have no sword. No force, said Merlin, hereby is a sword that shall be yours, an I may. So they rode till they came to a lake, the which was a fair water and broad, and in the midst of the lake Arthur was ware of an arm clothed in white samite, that held a fair sword in that hand. Lo! said Merlin yonder is that sword that I spake of. With that they saw a damosel going upon the lake. What damosel is that? said Arthur. That is the Lady of the Lake, said Merlin; and within that lake is a rock, and therein is a fair a place as any on earth, and richly besene; and this damosel will come to you anon, and then speak ye fair to her that she will give you that sword.”

— Le Morte D’Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory

Illustration by Walter Crane from King Arthur’s Knights by Henry Gilbert

 For more details about the ‘Ladies of the Lake’ range please visit our shop.