
‘Relics and Ruins’

by Graham C Barrett FIMEMME ARPS

Lavishly illustrated with fine photographs taken by the author, this appealing book is a personal insight into the Mining Heritage of Cornwall and a eulogy for the Cornish Engineers who made it possible.

‘Relics and Ruins’

by Graham C Barrett



I spent much of my early career in the mining and quarrying industry and was Mill Engineer at the world famous South Crofty mine in the 1980’s - now granted World Heritage status. I achieved my Associateship of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain in 2009 with a panel of images reflecting my small part in this great saga. The criteria for ARPS success are easily paraphrased - fifteen well seen, well taken and well presented images that fit together as a coherent whole illustrating a statement of intent of no more than 150 words


For some fascinating photographer’s insights and notes about the images - Find out more

Here are just a few pages inside ‘Relics and Ruins’ showing Graham’s wonderfully evocative photographs and heartfelt words.

Relics and Ruins
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 ARPS Panel Arrangement


I'm not exactly sure why but ten years later I have finally given in to the kindly encouragement of friends and put those images, along with some notes, into a small book. Perhaps it's something to do with the passing of time, for my panel is a eulogy for the passing of an age and for the Cornish engineers who made the names of Cornish towns famous around the world - and I'm getting older.

Or maybe it's an apology for failing to glimpse that an 'ordinary' place of work would come to be recognised as having World Heritage significance within one's own lifetime or that centuries of a working tradition and its people would be so quickly and so callously abandoned in the pursuit of a worthless ideology.

 Graham C Barrett