Mark Making

A journey out of artist’s block.

6 Designs

Release, Opening the Box, Synergy, New Frontiers, Escape Velocity, Evolution.

 Available as

Art Cards

6 ‘Mark Making’ designs available as individual Art Cards with envelopes

'Mark Making' Art Cards
from £2.50
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Art Cards Wallet Gift Set

Complete set of 6 Art Cards presented in a striking folding wallet to keep them safe and display.

'Mark Making' Art Cards New Wallet Gift Set
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The ‘Mark Making’ Range

An ideal encouraging gift for artists of any media everywhere.


 Inspiration and technique

A few years out of practise, feeling rusty and searching for the elusive inspiration that I needed to get myself back into art

I was feeling frustrated and blocked.

Every blank sheet of paper was daunting as most artists would recognise at some time in their work. Turning to the internet for help, much was promised there but not for me…I wanted to find my own way - I’m not a follower I guess!

Immersing myself in learning a new technique or buying vast quantities of expensive new materials was not going to work, not this time! Returning back to basics was becoming a recurring theme in my search but this seemed to be the most unexciting retrograde thing to do.

I remembered a friend being told to return for her art tuition only when she had filled a sketchbook full of her work! Harsh I thought at the time, but this story had obviously left an impression. Showing some actual physical evidence of her motivation just to begin made me question - How motivated was I? A sketchbook full?


In Praise of the Sketchbook

Somehow the idea of a small sketchbook seemed a far less intimidating prospect - a collection of spontaneous working drawings just for myself. Maybe? Just do it! Said sketchbook was purchased - square format with hares on the cover - all ready now for the inspiration to arrive… … of course it didn’t!

But who knew that plain and simple basic graphite was to be my key. Sticks of water soluble and powdered graphite with various pencils and the childlike freedom to let go of technique and the need for accuracy allowed expression via emotion to take control. Lots of rapid dynamic mark making ensued releasing all the pent up artistic frustration and tensions. Smudging, scraping and scratching the lines, curves and patches of tone which unexpectedly emerged with my blackened fingers was just fun and so energising.

My ‘Mark Making’ range was developed to share these intuitive sketchbook drawings. I chose some uplifting titles to represent my revitalised artistic spirit returning giving me a new insight into my own potential. The sketchbook actually isn’t full but it does serve to remind me that the best art comes from the heart not the head of the artist, draw what you feel, and there’s another page waiting if ever I get stuck again.

to the artist in everyone

Be free to draw whatever it is you feel

 For more details about the ‘Mark Making’ range please visit our shop.