“…and all I ask is…

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Art Card

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'Landfall' Art Card
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‘Landfall’ Mini Sketchbook and Card

'Landfall' Mini Journal with matching card
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This fabulous mixed media image will strike a chord with all mariners out there.

 Inspiration and Technique

… a windy day with the white clouds flying,

And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.”


John Masefield’s poem ‘Sea Fever’ starts with a great longing to leave - “I must go down to the seas again” - and ends with the hope of “a long sleep and sweet dream when the long trick’s over”.

There’s lots in between of course including the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song” but a safe return home is always anticipated.

Making ‘landfall’ marks that point when the end of a sea journey is in sight and the start of something new is on the horizon; returning afresh to the warm and familiar or perhaps starting out cold with the strange and unknown.

The making of ‘Landfall’ was the start of a something different for me. I’ve dabbled with watercolours over the years but mixing up different media in the same frame had not really appealed to me.

My pre-occupation in recent years has been photography but on returning to freer forms of expression and finding myself quite pleased with the outcome I am now a very enthusiastic convert to mixed media.

“Playing with cardboard and balsa, kitchen towel and string along with a good dollop of paint… “

 “…is like coming home and a return to my youth! “

“and all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow rover

and a long sleep and sweet dream when the long trick’s over.”

John Masefield. 1864

 For more details about ‘Landfall’ please visit our shop.