Squeaky Binders


  • Atlantic

    Abstract images that connect the sound of the surf to the work of artists and other mark makers found on the Atlantic coast of North Cornwall.

  • BluePrint

    Simple chemistry, camera-less photography and history too, such an appealing way to create beautiful abstract artworks - what’s not to love?

  • Contemporary Cyanotype

    When you buy this set of six fabulous images you won’t be getting the negative space and the shadows between them - they’re Lynn’s.

  • Cornish Mines

    One Cornish artist plus three World Heritage mining sites equals one fabulous linocut interpretation and six digital variations on her theme.

  • Cyclamen

    Patience and observational skills are required but the appreciation of nature’s beauty I gained was rewarding and to share it through my work, amazing!

  • Feline Good!

    Cute kitties!

  • Forever Autumn

    To celebrate autumn in all its colourful beauty I first created a series of six images of the leaves using linocut, drypoint and digital processes.

  • Into the Woods

    Lynn’s images belong to that genre of art - photography at its best, visual incentives to ask questions about value and meaning through the application of our own mysterious imaginations.

  • Ladies of the Lake

    Visiting Dozmary Pool, the place where Excalibur, Arthur’s mystical sword, is returned to the Lady of the Lake, fired my imagination…

  • Landfall

    Making ‘landfall’ marks that point when the end of a sea journey is in sight and the start of something new is on the horizon - and this adventure was new to me.

  • Lockdown Lawn

    Dedicated to Monty the Golden Retriever, my constant companion, who spent his last summer with me, sharing our shadows on the Lockdown Lawn.

  • Mark Making

    I was feeling frustrated, blocked, but smudging, scraping and scratching the lines, curves and patches of tone with my blackened fingers was just so fun and energising!

  • Otter

    These enigmatic creatures were rarely seen when I was young and to spot one in the wild was thought very fortunate indeed - otterly fabulous!

  • Party Bears

    With his conical hat placed at a jaunty angle over one ear, flamboyant ruff around his neck and fetching green and red two tone harlequin tunic he cut quite a dash - the bear was good too!

  • Paws for Thought!

    Cute canine companions.

  • Racing Hares

    … but those unmistakeable hare ears just didn’t look right folded down under that wide brim! Lady Haresworthy needed something different, something more Philip Treacy - sorry Audrey!

  • Relics and Ruins

    A celebration of the Cornish Engineers who changed the world by a Cornish photographer who was the Mill Engineer at the famous South Crofty mine in the 1980’s.

  • The Art of Travel

    These images of that train journey connect me to my past as I look back down the line, capture each fleeting moment of my present and race ahead to my future, mysterious and unclear …

  • Tidal Dancers

    … and then I made the connection with seaweed and was instantly taken back to memories of paddling in the shallows with the seaweed wrapping around my feet…

  • Underwater Otter

    Juggling is a favourite pastime for them, with a few specially selected pebbles, they lie on their back passing them back and forth between their front paws - it is so impossibly cute to see!

  • Wildlife Garden - The Butterflies

    As the grasses and wildflowers flourished in the ‘Lockdown Lawn’ so clouds of butterflies arrived on the buddleia plant that made my garden its home.

  • Wood Pile

    It was the intriguing marks of the chainsaw and the play of light and shadow on the logs in Mike’s barn that caught my attention ...